A Tech_Company

Install our Safe Anti-cheating Software.

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Please Download our Safe Anti-Cheating Software here.

If you are shown this Message on your browser, click on "Download anyway". This file is free of malware and is safe.


If you are experiencing any difficulties or you are uncertain about downloading the software, please contact us.

How to Install

1. Please double-click the downloaded installation package to initiate automatic installation. Once the installation is complete, open the software to access the following startup service interface.

2. The following interface will be displayed when the installation is successful, please return to the browser test interface to refresh and click "Installed, go to examine":

3. Please go back to previous Browser tab and click "Installed, go to examine"

4. Click the checkbox and then the "open Fullscreenexammodule" button to allow our software to operate on your device.

Now you are ready to go!